Friday 1 April 2016

Red Velvet | [TRANS] SohnPD Twitter Status.

[PHOTO] 160331 MBC Tei’s Dreaming Radio Twitter Update - Red Velvet© SohnPDRelated Radio Show: MBC Dreaming Radio - Red Velvet
© SohnPD

Hey! I tried to translate the twitter status, but, I don't know if it is good!! >:(
1. I don't speak/write english very well.
2. I do not speak fluent korean.

SO, if someone, wants to correct me, you can :c But here is the status:

[ORIGINAL]: 오늘 테이의 꿈꾸라에는 노래 잘하는 소녀들. 레드벨벳이 라이브를 들려준데요~~~ 예쁘죠? #꿈꾸라 #레드벨벳 #MBC

[TRANS]: Today, the song of Dream Girls do a taper. Red Velvet told me to live as pretty? The Red Velvet #MBC #The Dream #Red Velvet

If you take the translation please give me credits :(

SunB ♥

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