Sunday 4 September 2016

[TRANS] 160903 Red Velvet Official Site Update - Joy’s Birthday Message

[TRANS] Everyone hello hehe It’s Joy~~
So many people have been congratulating me and giving me love since early today, so I’m writing this with a happy heart to show my thanks.
Though it’s been hectic due to preparing for our comeback, since it also luckily coincided with my birthday, I think we will be able to comeback with a lot of strength! Thank you so much ㅠㅠ
Next week we will be showing you a new stage, I’m excited and worried and feeling a lot of mixed emotions so I’m really nervous hehe
During this really hot summer, the Unnies, Yerimie and I put it a lot of effort to complete this album so please give it a lot of love~ Russian Roulette~!!
Again, thank you to all the people who made this birthday a happy one and I love you~ ♥♥ Please wait just a little more ><
-From Joy-
Trans. by: gomtaengie

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