Friday 20 January 2017

[NOTICE] Red Velvet Pics WHI Schedule for January and February 2017

HIATUS? + Schedule

Hi everyone! Today we wanted to show you all our schedule for the next February and obviously the next days of January.

This is not only for WHI, this count too for our blog of updates! So please read this ~

Actually we doesn't have many administrators (there are 2) so it's very hard to get a rest since we are so worried about being active in both accounts but we can't. We are sorry but we can't :( So this blog is not active and is not important.

Many times we wanted to move to Tumblr, but basically will be the same. No followers no public, etc. So we are going to have a HIATUS for this blog!

It will be permanent?

We don't have any idea about it. We are going to come back when we're ready. And that will be hard, really hard.



  • From January 20-27 will be uploading normally. [WHI]
  • From January 28-February ?? account will be in hiatus. [WHI]
  • In February ?? we are going to upload normally. [WHI]
*we do not know when we are going to comeback! So maybe will be February 10 or more.

Stay tuned~ 

❤ SinB's Cupcake.

Omg little updates: the main reason is holidays! and credits to Iridescence for the pic

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